Thursday, March 27, 2014

Vocabulary BootCamp

The princpal is the omnipotent of the school he thinks he is omniscient about everything he act like hes a narrative of a book about schools. Some people in the school think there to ideal for people that are not popular and people are tell mockery about people to make them feel bad. Most people resemble other people by wearing the samething omnipresent everywhere you go people have the same style be different.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ending Gang Violence

      Ending  Gang Violence: By Lisa Suhay, Guest Blogger/March 15, 2013. Right  now  in  the  crime-ridden, gang-infested section of  Newport  News. someone  who  perpetuates  that  violence is  getting  a free haircut. According to Riddick his  cousin  chose a life of  violence and crime  and  died at the  age of 28  when he pulled a gun on someone at a 7-11 who he didn't realize was armed. We set up a campsite with counselors, FBI, mentor, and we walk from a point about four miles away through the neighborhoods and to the site. Yes i agree with the Author because he is trying to end gang violence and make peace in  the community. Lise Suhay is trying to stop gang violence.yes the author is an expert, beecause he said things about ending crimes violence.